Current Contract Opportunities

Health System Housing Authority Land Bank

Solicitation Documents as of 3/28/2025


Solicitation # Description Department Commodity Group Date Advertised Due Date
1210.OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF Office Equipment and Accessories and Supplies 01/31/2025 6:00 AM 04/02/2025 10:00 AM
2525-01210 Ford Expeditions
1210.OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF Commercial and Military and Private Vehicles and their Accessories and Components 03/07/2025 8:00 AM 04/09/2025 10:00 AM
2525-01211 Chevy Tahoe
1210.OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF Commercial and Military and Private Vehicles and their Accessories and Components 03/07/2025 8:00 AM 04/02/2025 10:00 AM
2316-10051 IFB Touhy Ave - Elmhurst Rd to Mt Prospect Rd
1500.COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services 03/19/2025 12:00 AM 04/23/2025 10:00 AM
2457-09110 R HIstology and Toxicology Supplies
1259.MEDICAL EXAMINER Laboratory and Measuring and Observing and Testing Equipment 03/21/2025 4:00 PM 04/23/2025 10:00 AM
2402-12030 Cleaning of Bridge Scupper and Drainage System
1500.COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services 03/28/2025 8:30 AM 04/30/2025 10:00 AM
2502-02042 Inkjet Envelope Printer for BOA Print Shop
1011.OFFICE OF CHIEF ADMIN OFFICER Information Technology Broadcasting and Telecommunications 03/28/2025 8:30 AM 04/30/2025 10:00 AM

Request for Proposals

Solicitation # Description Department Commodity Group Date Advertised Due Date
2406-04241 Armed Security Guard Services
1280.ADULT PROBATION DEPT. Defense and Law Enforcement and Security and Safety Equipment and Supplies 09/09/2024 10:30 AM 04/30/2025 10:00 AM
2405-11291 MFT Expressway Multimodal Permeability Study
1500.COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TBD 02/14/2025 10:00 AM 04/02/2025 10:00 AM
2410-06134 Ortho/Oblique Aerial Capture
1009.ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGY Editorial and Design and Graphic and Fine Art Services 03/17/2025 8:30 AM 04/16/2025 10:00 AM
2410-06133 Hyperspectral Imagery Collection
1009.ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGY Information Technology Broadcasting and Telecommunications 03/17/2025 8:00 AM 04/16/2025 10:00 AM
2406-04291 Public Defender office-wide workload study
1260.PUBLIC DEFENDER National Defense and Public Order and Security and Safety Services 03/21/2025 4:00 PM 04/23/2025 10:00 AM

Request for Qualifications

Solicitation # Description Department Commodity Group Date Advertised Due Date
2315-09291 RFQ for CM at Risk for the New Building for the Medical Examiner's Office (MEO)
1031.OFFICE OF ASSET MANAGEMENT Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services 01/29/2025 11:30 AM 04/02/2025 10:00 AM
2316-10194 RFQ for Design Services for Threat Assessment, Hardening, and Physical Security Consulting for the New MEO Building (RFQ No. 2316-10194)
1031.OFFICE OF ASSET MANAGEMENT Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services 02/04/2025 4:30 PM 04/02/2025 10:00 AM
2505-01130 Traffic Engineering Services - Various Various (Task Orders)
1500.COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services 03/04/2025 8:00 AM 04/09/2025 10:00 AM
2404-01092 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Services
1280.ADULT PROBATION DEPT. Healthcare Services 03/26/2025 10:00 AM 04/30/2025 10:00 AM
2416-04051R RFQ for A/E Services for JHS Hospital BAS Replacement (REBID)
1031.OFFICE OF ASSET MANAGEMENT Management and Business Professionals and Administrative Services 03/27/2025 4:00 PM 05/07/2025 10:00 AM