Welcome to the Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways

To all Highway Haul Permits applicants, please be sure to read the following document before you apply online. Click here

This site will allow you to apply for oversize/overweight permits and check permit application status.


  * = required


Create a new account today to obtain and check permit application status online.

With an account, you'll be able to store your hauling equipment information in our system and use it whenever you want to apply for a new permit.

Also, you can check status of your recent application, lookup your past permits, and much more.


New Permit Application Fee ($10.00 non-refundable) beginning 1/9/2013 and revised permit fees per Cook County ordinance 12-O-59. Please refer to current Ordinances for fee schedules (Chapter 66, Article IV)
Refer to Permits Online Payment at LexisNexis

Haul Permits Online System

The Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways is authorized by the Illinois Size and Weight Law (625ILCS 5/Ch. 15) to issue special permits. These permits allow the operation of vehicle or loads that exceed the legal maximum dimensions and weights. The Haul Permits are valid only for those highways under the jurisdiction of the Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways (see System Map page).

Conditions for Haul Permits (Instruction)

The oversize/overweight permits are subject to these Conditions for Haul Permits. Prior to issuance of these permits, the trucking companies must provide the following three items:

  1. Create an account in our Haul Permits Online System
  2. Provide Proof of Insurance to complete the registration of the company.
  3. Complete and Submit "Oversize/Overweight Permit" Application using our online application

Limited Continuous Annual Haul Permits (Instruction)

Limited Continuous Annual Haul Permits Effective August 20, 2009. For companies that qualify for Limited Continuous Annual Haul Permits according to Ordinance 09-O-46:

  1. Create an account in our Haul Permits Online System
  2. Provide Proof of Insurance to complete the registration of the company
  3. Submit the "Limited Continuous Annual Permit Location Registration" form within our online application
  4. Complete and Submit the "Limited Continuous Annual Haul Permit" Application using our online application